Brenda Burroughs, Coordinator of Day Services, celebrated her 24th anniversary with the Olean Center in January

She never thought she would be at the Center this long. But she found the work too important to leave.
“I do it because of the feeling I get when I do what I do. It keeps me coming back,” Brenda said. And she loves seeing the success that participants enjoy with the change from center-based, group programs to community-based, one-on-one work.
“The change to one-on-one is phenomenal. Before, everything was in groups, but now it’s a lot more one-to-one, and participants are getting a lot more of what they need,” she explained. “Kudos to all the Direct Support Professionals who just went out and did it. It’s working. They’re thriving out there!”
Brenda has served in a variety of capacities, including as a Direct Support Professional, Transportation Supervisor, Supervisor of Programs, and in the Vocational Department.
“I’ve kind of dabbled in everything,” she said. In her current role, Brenda is responsible for ensuring that Individual Support Plans are in place for each participant and that goals are met.
“I help make sure that participants are doing what they want to do, whether it’s exercising and losing weight at the ‘Y’, or getting a job. We take them out and have fun with them,” she said. “It’s person-centeredness now.”
Prior to working at the Olean Center, Brenda was a supervisor at a plant nursery. Her sister and cousin worked at the Center so she thought she’d try it as a change in her career path.
“I never imagined I would be here this long!”
Our participants are thriving in large part because of the dedication of people like Brenda. Thank You Brenda for your years of compassion and support!